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Learn more about CIMUN and its mission

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Colegio Inglés Model United Nations

CIMUN is a simulation of the United Nations in which local and national schools come together to debate and find solutions to recent and important worldwide problems. 

Students take the role of a delegate representing a specific country. During the time span of the simulation, delegates debate on a topic with the purpose of finding and creating peaceful solutions. Delegates must research and be ready to debate, collaborate, and listen to each other in order to have successful teamwork.

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Throughout the years, CIMUN has helped and encouraged its attendees to show their leadership skills, debate skills, and knowledge about current events. It has also challenged students to listen and understand different points of view from their fellow delegates.

We will have 19 committees with topics spanning various different issues for students from 7   to 9

grade and 1 committee for 6   graders only (ECOSOC). 

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