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Certain aspects are needed in a delegate in order for them to be able to earn one of the three awards at CIMUN. These are: the Honorable Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, and Best Delegate. These awards will be distributed in each committee. Throughout the simulation, chairs will be searching for this fundamental aspects and decide which delegates deserve to earn a recognition. Chairs will be looking for:​

1. Participation:
Chairs will search for the delegates who participate the most throughout the whole simulation. We refer to participative delegates as ones who propose solutions to help the given topic, who can ask great questions and can answer other brilliant questions themselves.  

2. Proper Use of Procedure:
To be able to earn an award, delegates must know the protocol of the simulation. By knowing this, delegates can aid the committee in its development.  

3. Knowledge and Creative Thinking:
We are searching for delegates who come well prepared and know all of what they need to know about the topic. Delegates who have background knowledge will be the most capable to take action inside the committee. Also, delegates must think creatively and show good problem-solving skills in order to stand out inside the sessions. 

4. Leadership and Negotiating Abilities:
Last but definitely not least, we will be searching for leadership abilities. Those delegates who can demonstrate that they can take control of the committee and guide it in the right path, are whom we are looking for. Also, delegates which can negotiate with other delegations and finally reach an agreement that will be well regarded by the chair.

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