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1. Introduction

  • The following rules shall apply to any person attending Colegio Inglés Model UN.

  • The Colegio Inglés Conduct Code will be in effect during the entire duration of the event.

  • Consequences will be applied accordingly following Colegio Inglés Conduct Procedures.​

2.   General Rules

  • Be punctual each session.

  • Chair and delegates must identify themselves with the badge of their designated position/country.

  • The use of cell phones is not allowed.

  • Show a proper attitude throughout the event.

  • Participate positively in all sessions.

  • Respect all delegates, chair and advisors.

  • Follow the dress code.

  • No eating or drinking during sessions and ceremonies.​

  • No phones are allowed at any time.

3. Representing your Country during Sessions

  • Delegates should represent only the delegation assigned to them.

  • Delegates must speak English in the committee.

  • Delegates must follow Parliamentary Procedures at all times.

  • Previously written resolutions will not be taken into account.

  • Delegates must not establish direct conversations among themselves.

  • A delegate cannot leave the committee unless the Chair decides there is a valid reason for the delegate to leave.​

4. Warnings

  • Warnings will be issued by the Chair if a delegate is not complying with the rules and procedures previously mentioned.

  • Disrespect towards any member of the committee, chair, other delegates or guests.

  • Conduct Procedures:

    • Warnings will not be erased from the Chair's records.

    • A delegate who receives 3 warnings will be asked to leave the committee for the rest of the session.

    • If a delegate still fails to keep order he will receive another warning, or he or she will be asked to leave the simulation for the day.

    • All offenses will be reported to the participating school advisor.​

5. Forbidden Activities​

  • Disrupt the session with offensive vocabulary, pictures or videos.​

6. Opening and Closing Ceremonies

  • Everyone should demonstrate a respectful attitude during the opening and closing ceremonies. Failure to do so will be reported to your advisor.

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